ARES Urbanexus Update #156 (correction)
An observant reader caught an error in the update circulated on 31 October 2023. See below for the corrected item.
Climate change
A possible benefit for the Midwest of the USA
For decades, the Midwest has been a region left behind as manufacturing and other jobs dried up. Milwaukee County’s population has shrunk 12.3% in the last 50 years. Illinois has lost about 200,000 people since 2009—declining from a population of 12.8 million to 12.6 million. And while sunbelt states like Florida and Texas grew between 2020 and 2022, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio all lost population, according to the Council of State Governments.
Almost every list of the “best cities for climate change” includes Midwestern cities. Architectural Digest has Milwaukee and Columbus on its top ten list, and Policygenius, an insurance platform, has Milwaukee, Columbus, and Minneapolis on its list. The top 10 list assembled by Jesse Keenan, a climate adaptation expert at Tulane University, almost exclusively consists of Midwest and Rust Belt cities, including Detroit, Duluth, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Buffalo, and Rochester. Learn more here.