Urbanexus Update - Issue #5
Please scroll down for my weekly collection of articles, documents, images, tweets, and videos about change across and beyond metropolitan regions, creating opportunities—and challenges—for sustainable real estate investment and development. (Publishers of some items may limit access to non-subscribers)
The urban housing shortage is a test--and a conundrum--for progressive politics per Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine.
The L.A. Times opposed Assemblyman Scott Weiner's legislation because it removed obstacles to building housing near transit — twitter.com Now the Times says cities should voluntarily implement SB 827. Let’s see how many do that.
California Renters Legal Advocacy and Education Fund sued Sausalito and won — carlaef.org
A small, but important, victory for housing in the San Francisco Bay Area
Blacks still face a red line on housing — www.nytimes.com
The legacy of housing discrimination in the USA.
An enduring error — www.city-journal.org A half-century later, the Kerner Report’s fame overshadows its mistaken analysis of urban riots and blindness to racial progress.
More cities are putting lids on highways — pew.org Capping a highway to create a park also can reconnect urban neighborhoods sliced apart by the expressway building boom of the 1960s and ’70s.
How autonomous vehicles might affect parking Research from the University of Toronto explores the impact autonomous vehicles (AVs) could have in terms of the parking space that could be freed up in our towns and cities.
Stop over-parking — www.dmagazine.com
Too much parking provided in Plano
A thoughtful approach to parking after minimums are removed — www.strongtowns.org
A parking garage in Fargo, ND that makes sense.
The best and worst state economies — www.visualcapitalist.com
A ranking of state economies in the USA
Some smaller metros in the U.S. News Best Places to Live rankings edge out major metro areas of the USA.
Older industrial cities in the United States
An in-depth analysis of the status and prospects of older industrial cities in the USA.
Larchmont Village — petebuonocore.tumblr.com
Change could come to a small-scale neighborhood retail street in Los Angeles
When skyscraper was a dirty word — www.nytimes.com
Here is an update on Alvin Duskin, the man who led a movement against skyscrapers in San Francisco during the early 1970s and never got comfortable with change.
Why New York City stopped building subways — www.citylab.com
This insightful history highlights the fact that in the early 1940s, a construction standstill derailed the subway into its present crisis.
A critical review of the California high-speed rail 2018 business plan — www.newgeography.com
This plan portends to finally reveal the true cost for construction of Phase I of the project. The new cost estimate is at a base of $77.3 billion to a possible $98.1 billion dollars.
Infographic: The Pension Time Bomb, $400 Trillion by 2050 — www.visualcapitalist.com
The challenge of affording old age