Urbanexus Update - Issue #6
Please scroll down for my weekly collection of articles, documents, images, tweets, and videos/films. The focus this week is on infrastructure, the cost of housing, homelessness, variations in metropolitan attraction and films about cities and natural lands. (Publishers of some items may limit access to non-subscribers.)
A poster by Gerhard Mayer of GGLO Design illustrates the potential to design parking structures for eventual adaptation to other real estate uses.
Aaron Renn (@urbanophile) proposes criteria for infrastructure investment and lists ten projects in the USA that he believes should go forward.
The cost of housing is going up
The Case-Shiller indices show year-over-year house price increase in twenty major USA metropolitan areas ranging from 2.4% (Washington, DC) to 12.7% (Seattle).
Where Millenials have difficulty with housing
Five US metro areas where buying housing is a challenge for Millenials.
‘My Generation Is Never Going to Have That’ — www.politico.com
Millennial techies concerned about housing supply and choices challenge Boomers on housing issues in Seattle.
Phoenix housing recovery still in process
Revisiting the bursting of the housing bubble in Phoenix a decade later.
Homelessness and the unhoused
A survey of the unhoused in Los Angeles
A USC survey found that the new homeless population has changed, at least in Los Angeles.
Licton Springs Village in Seattle
This tiny house village allows drugs. Should it have been put in a high drug-traffic area?
Traffic medians and the unhoused — www.sandiegouniontribune.com
A makeover of a traffic median in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Los Feliz might include planters to thwart homeless encampments.
In San Francisco junkies blatantly shoot up as commuters walk by
A video highlights what is going on in the halls of one of the busiest stations on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system.
Neighbors concerned about housing unhoused in San Diego — www.sandiegouniontribune.com
A proposed complex for homeless people is causing an uproar in the Clairemont neighborhood.
Neighbors concerned about housing unhoused in Seattle
Per Mike Rosenberg (@ByRosenberg on Twitter),"Seattle's plan to build 238 housing units (including 85 for homeless seniors and 100 affordable rentals) on an unused lot is on hold after a neighbor appealed.
Variations in metropolitan attraction
The best cities for new college grads in 2018
A rating of metropolitan areas in the USA based on jobs, cost of living, and opportunities for "fun."
Cities across the Midwest of the USA are hemorrhaging talent
A graphical view of metropolitan areas in the USA from which workers are departing to take advantage of greater opportunity elsewhere.
Seattle sends Boise its economic boom and its problems.
Detroit's suburbs seek reinvention — www.citylab.com
What effect will a revitalizing downtown have on Detroit’s suburbs?
Gateway Park sale resets pricing expectations for Denver — product.costar.com
Strong demand for a major industrial asset in Denver.
Raleigh ranking high in growth — twitter.com
The metropolitan area is expected to grow 72% in the next 25 years, making it the third-fastest growing in the USA.
101 movies about cities
A film about the 41-day armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon during January and February 2016.